A Personal History
I watched ‘em build Oroville
Dam. Yep. That
Oroville Dam.
Department of Water Resources |
In the 1960s, we lived In Chico, California about a half
hour from Oroville Dam’s construction site on the Feather River. With the foresight that only a few wise
parents possess, Mom and Dad thought it would be a good idea if their boys
could witness the construction of what would become an Eighth Wonder of the
Courtesy: Dad |
As kids, our folks ensured that we rooted around historic
places in the general vicinity of Chico.
One was Bidwell’s Bar on the Feather. It was the place where Chico’s founder, John Bidwell, did a
little prospecting and placer mining.
Located on a stream course that would be crossed by what would become
the Oroville – Quincy Highway, California’s first suspension bridge was built
to span the gully. With the
filling of the reservoir, the bridge would be lost, so efforts were made to
relocate the historic structure, but I remember it in its original location.
(c) Bill Talbitzer |
Many tidbits of history were to be Lost Beneath the Feather,
so local newspaper reporter Bill Talbitzer collected stories of both the mining
camps along the Feather and of old Oroville, put these together with some
historic photographs and published an entertaining volume of lore by the same
name. I have three copies.
Encyclopaedia Brittanica |
Construction of the dam began with
the installation of a concrete core way down in the bottom of the river
canyon. An observation point had
been leveled out so the curious could see this process a great distance up the
side of the canyon. To my
nine-year-old eye, the gigantic earthmovers and concrete pumpers looked no
bigger than the Tootsie Toys we played with in the pile of dirt out behind the
We would return to this overlook many times to watch the
progress. Being only nine, and
then ten, it seemed like it took forever for any of that progress to be
noted. But the observation area
proved to be popular – so much so that some entrepreneurial type threw together
a snack bar with a large sign advertising “Best Hot Dogs by a Dam Site.” I thought it was odd that they’d use a
cuss word on their billboard, but that was long before I really grasped (and
embraced) cussing.
Petersen Tractor |
At 770 feet in height and over a
half mile in length at the top, Oroville Dam is the world’s largest earth fill
dam. Materials for the endeavor
linked Oroville’s 1860s past with its 1960s present. Where the Feather River tumbles out of the Sierra/Cascade
and into the broad, flat Sacramento Valley, the velocity of the falling water slows
and it’s load of gravel and silt and gold was deposited along the river’s
bottom. Massive dredges were
employed to scoop up this rocky sludge so that gold would be extracted from the
goop. The tailing left behind
covered square miles of valley floor, sitting there, undisturbed, until folks
realized they were a dandy source of earth-fill for an earth-fill dam.
A twelve-mile long railroad was devised to transport these
historic cobbles from the valley floor to the construction site. Trains of forty car lengths hauled the
burden and were ingeniously unloaded using a machine that tipped the load out
of the gondolas without unhooking them from the train.
One day, probably a couple of years
into our visits, we were surprised to find that the observation area had been fenced
off and the hot dog stand removed.
Following detour signs, we soon found ourselves several hundred feet
above the old vantage point at a new one.
There would still be a lot of work to do.
Not the least of which was the removal of a concrete arch bridge
that was filled around with tailings and protruding out face of the
construction. In order to ensure
the integrity of the dam the bridge would need to be blasted away – and the
blast would be spectacular. With
multitudes of others, we gathered at the upper observation point to witness the
scheduled explosion. Noon would be
the appointed hour and at high noon – with the gathered holding their
collective breaths – a plunger was pushed and, outside of what looked like a
minor puff of dust, nothing happened.
It would be weeks before the old bridge was taken out.
Completed in 1967 or 68, Oroville
Dam would corral the second largest reservoir in the state. The route of the Western Pacific would
be moved, and a new suspension bridge crossed over a now inundated Bidwell’s
Bar. It was predicted that in
three year’s time, the lake would be full.
But an unusually wet rainy season turned that three-year
timetable into mere months. We
drove over to Oroville to watch the dam spill for the first time. Water raced down the chute, crashing
into bolsters at the bottom designed to keep the current from washing out the
opposite bank of the Feather. It
worked perfectly.
Six or eight years later, when I was living in nearby
Paradise, California, a large and rather disconcerting earthquake rattled Butte
County causing many broken windows and some structural damage to buildings in
downtown Oroville. Speculation
held that the weight of the water behind the dam might have caused movement
along a minor fault or fissure with ripple effects across the immediate area. I recall my brand new VW bus sitting under
a wildly swinging carport and wondering what insurance might cover.
In January and February of 2017,
California’s five-year drought was interrupted by a series of atmospheric river
storms. Funneling up the river
courses of the American, the Yuba and the Feather, area reservoirs filled to
capacity way too early in the wet season.
Engineers and hydrologists knew that to reserve capacity for future
unknowns, releases from Oroville would be necessary and the spillway was again
San Francisco Chronicle |
This time, however, the
unforeseen occurred. A fault in
the huge concrete slip-n-slide allowed water to drain through the surface
rather than over it. In a short
time, the boil of water washed out some strata or fill beneath the spillway and
a hole developed. Water rushed
beneath the structure and began eroding the hillside. Operators halted the spill to assess the situation while an
incredible volume of water poured into the lake from upstream.
Sacramento Bee |
Fortunately, an emergency spillway – one never used before –
worked as it had been engineered, allowing inches of water to outflow over its
179-foot length. In anticipation
of this event, a little clearing of the overgrown emergency route ensure that
trees, brush and debris would not wash down to the Feather’s course clogging it
at the Table Mountain Boulevard Bridge and possibly wiping it out.
When the waters came, everything worked as designed.
Still, “experts” from around the
country predicted that the dam was on the brink of failure, raising concerns
that were generally unfounded.
Through this I’ve concluded, yet again, that the following is true:
not = EXPERT
Department of Water Resources |
We live in an age where too many believe that nothing the
government does is done well. Oroville
Dam stands in stark contrast to that belief. It is a masterpiece that has lived up to its billing as an
“Eighth Wonder of the World.”
Please forgive any uncredited images found in this post.
UPDATE!!! Two and a half hours after posting this the Department of Water
Resources (DWR) called for an evacuation of low lying areas of Oroville
as the soil/topcover in the emergency spillway began to show unexpected
signs of erosion. It appears that lake inflow has slowed and that
releases down the damaged main spillway have been increased to,
hopefully accommodate the circumstance. That said, perhaps the Church
of the Open Road was a bit premature in suggesting that "everything
worked as designed."
Still, reports of a dam failure are still in the "too early to tell" category.
© 2017
Church of the Open Road