Saturday, September 22, 2012


On facts and fiction:

1.   Facts are inconvenient.  A major candidate’s campaign mucky-muck declared that fact checkers would not direct the campaign.  One must ask: Why not?

2.   That fact checkers oft-times find one campaign less bound to constitutional principal, historic or economic precept, or the plain old truth, does not imply that said fact check organization favors one effort over the other.  It does imply something about the “one campaign.”

3.   Having recently reread the Ten Commandments, I find only one speaks to the issue of telling the truth: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” (Ex 20:16)  Why is it okay to bear false witness against thine opponent in matters political?  Why isn’t there a commandment that simply says: Thou shalt not fib?

On economics and the budget:

4.   The debt is greater now, in terms of dollars, not in percentage of GDP, than it has been throughout our history.  Inconveniently, this is because we waged two – some might say questionable – wars on a nation’s credit card.  It is unclear why furthering debt for international conflict is more acceptable than furthering debt to help Americans at home.

5.   In times of recession, the government traditionally increases expenditure, circulating money through government-sponsored projects implemented by private industry, in order to pull the country out of the malaise – unless we are misguidedly concerned about "burgeoning" debt.  Or we have a political party who’s admitted “top priority” is to deny the current administration a second term.

6.   Folks wishing to “shrink the government until it can fit into a toilet and then flush the toilet” (think Grover Norquist and his minions) would be well advised to research other nations of the world where the citizenry is allowed more freedom and opportunity for their tax dollars than what is enjoyed here.  Then, if they think they like the place, hell, move there.  We’ll welcome you back after your dose of reality.  In the meantime, many of us would like a government that serves the needs of its people – and fairly taxes said people to cover the costs.

On punditry: 

7.   The media are not liberal.  An organization may not be as far to the right as Fox News but it doesn’t follow that that organization is liberal.

8.   Some media have a decidedly liberal slant.  So?

9.   A well-known major mouthpiece is more interested in selling mattresses and Snapple and promoting his personal brand through bombast, shock and insult than in promoting what’s good for the United States.  If the other side paid better, I’d wager he’d jump.  And, yes, I do listen to Rush on occasion.

10.   Political postings on Facebook frequently serve to provide belly laughs to those who agree and inflame those who don’t.  Too many of such postings do not further the debate; instead, they widen the divide.  And, yes, I do find some of them quite humorous.

If, indeed, this is the most important election to come along in years, the outcome will be specious at best unless all Americans look past what is convenient to believe, or what profits each of us individually. 

We need to pay attention to real issues and respond – sometimes rather inconveniently – in a manner that honors the greater good.  I believe Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Edward R. Murrow, Ike, members of “the Greatest Generation” and a host of others would agree.  Probably including Jesus.

© 2012
Church of the Open Road Press

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Brilliant of the CotORP macks the long ball over the Green Monsta...again.

    Nail directly on the head with a serated 20# framing hammer.

    Good thinking and good writing!
