The Church received the following grammar related question from a correspondent:
I have a question that would not bother many people, but it is
this: “Those” and “These.” It seems that in the past, people would say something
like “I will take three of those.” Now it is “I will take three of those ones.”
These ones, those ones, would anyone but I wonder?
The Church would opine that “these
ones” and “those ones” are symptoms of an individual suffering from LGS – Lazy
Grammar Syndrome. Adding “ones” to
these or those seems like a redundancy.
Further, unless one is talking about place value in the realm of
mathematics – “what number is in the ones column?” or is playing the card game
“Go Fish,” there is no use for the word “ones.” [Outside of a card game, “Hmmm… Looks like Wild Bill Hickok
drew some Aces and some Eights,” I’m not sure when you’d put an “s” after a
word representing a numeral.
Someone correct me please.]
“These” and “those” imply a gesture or the requirement of an
additional clue in the context of the text or conversation. “I’d like these apples (perhaps closer
in physical proximity to the speaker) and those oranges (perhaps across the
aisle)” might serve as an example.
Wouldn’t it be clearer to express, “I’ll take these apples and those
three oranges.”?
There are many examples of LGS in modern speech. Reversal of I (the personal pronoun)
and me (the object of a preposition) bugs the Church no little bit. This one grates: “Charley is walking to
the store with Max and I.” The same
goes for “we” and “us.” Other
gripes? Fragments masquerading as
sentences. And sentences beginning
in “and.”
LGS should not be confused with LDS (Lazy
Diction Syndrome) a spoken language issue – not LDS, the religious affiliation
– wherein people mispronounce words.
Walter Cronkite was death on this practice and used the second month as
his prime example: “It’s Feb-RU-ary, not Feb-EWE-ary.” How may of us get that one wrong? Although the late Norm Crosby made a
career out of “misrenouncing” words, the rest of us would sound much more
intelligent were we to avoid such malapropisms.
What the Church finds most irritating
however is LFS – please employ context clues to figure this one out – which
involves the overuse of a certain profanity. Most everyone knows that the “f-word” can be used in all
seven parts of speech, but, sadly, some folks set out to prove that within about
every three minutes of conversation.
Folks suffering from LFS, because it is such a preventable condition,
routinely dishearten the Church.
People will argue that if the communication takes place,
then the proper use of grammar is not important. I would disagree even to the extent of suggesting that these
ones (oops!) suffer from a little bit different but equally virulent strain of
Years ago, an aging (and pretty
cranky) junior high English teacher complained to me, her site administrator,
that the practice of decent English is lost upon our young people. I told her I would address this within
the hour. She returned to class
and I set to creating a poster with Tempera paints. Allowing only a few minutes for it to dry, I entered her
room with an eight-foot ladder, a staple gun and the fresh poster. Amid her lecture, I set of the ladder
in the front of her room climbed it high, and stapled the poster where she
could not bring it down.
The text of the poster?
it sounds right, it ARE right.”
I’m not sure if that solved her problem. I didn’t get to work there much longer.
© 2014
Church of the Open Road